Surya Chemical Industries is a Customer Service driven contract Micronizing facility, providing expertise in Particle Size Reduction and Particle Size Control Technologies intended for powders used within the Pharmaceutical, Medical and Food markets.

Surya Chemical Industries is a pivately held company with the vision to "Set the Benchmark" in the cGMP marketplace, Surya Chemical Industries focuses on the Micronizing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingrediants (APIs) and excipients by providing processing suites with suitable Cross Contamination Controls, Jet mills of proprietary and Sanitary Design and robust Quality and Cleaning protocols.

There are various types of industrial chemicals are accessible in the market with different features & grades that are best suitable for many industrial applications. These are utilized very carefully as per the requirements & processed as according to standards set by the industry. We are well equipped & versed industrial chemical supplier that provides these to many industries including pharmaceuticals, paints, cosmetics, petroleum etc. Our supplied chemical is processed and put away under controlled condition and provide in water/air proof compartment and HDPE sack according to their conditions of frame.

We are recognized suppliers, trader and Distributors of chemicals in the market. We supply various range of industrial chemicals that are more widely utilized in many industries for various applications. Our offered chemicals are deeply tested by our highly expert professionals as per the international standards before supplying to valued customers.

Being a trustable Industrial chemical supplier in India, we provide pure chemicals to our clients spread across the country. Our range of products is sourced from quality manufacturers to meet the required standards of the industry. Hence considered one of the leading supplier and distributor of chemicals in Mumbai, Maharashtra & India.